Sunday, June 6, 2010

What to do?

I was downstairs filling up the chick feeders and waterer this evening and noticed something out of the ordinary with one of the chicks. Upon closer inspection, I realized that the poor thing has a broken or dislocated leg. How that happened, I have no idea but it did nonetheless. So what do I do? Do I attempt to splint the leg and hope that it heals or is that just ridiculous? Do I put it out of its misery then? I've never had a broken or dislocated leg before but I have no doubt in my mind that its painful. Certainly a chicken with only one good leg would be quickly picked off by a predator that wouldn't be nearly as sympathetic as me. I feel terrible killing the little thing but I don't want it to suffer either. Nature usually takes care of these sorts of things but unfortunately nature doesn't exist in the little brooding room I have created down stairs. I don't know what to do. What would you do about it?


  1. I would probably try to splint it or try wrapping something around it. But that's just me... I would have a really hard time killing it. How much longer until they can go outside??
    You could always like Daisy have her way with she considered a predator?? I could live with that :) LOL!!!
    Good luck :O)

  2. Well,

    I'd splint the leg, and smother the chick in love and love and love

    Chris would then come home and ask me what, exactly, I was doing, while giving me that look. The "what are you doing NOW?" look.

    I would tell him that the chick was our new house pet, as I clutch it to my chest, and that his name is Gimppy VonLeggster. And that I LOOOVED Gimppy.

    Then Chris would rip the chick from my loving arms and take it outside and where he would quickly deal with it, as I sobbed in the house do to my broken heart.

    I don't think I'll ever get chickens...
