Monday, June 7, 2010

My house is full of babies!

Last night around 10:30 I was checking on the chicks before heading to bed for the night when I heard a noise in the playroom. There is a tent permanently set up in the play room for the kids and the noise was coming from under it. So I checked it out and discovered my due-to-have-kittens-any-day cat under the tent. I quickly got a box and put an old sheet and towel in it and put it under the tent for her which she quickly climbed into. So much for an early night. I sat with her until 2:00 in the morning watching her give birth to a kitten every hour or so(there were only three born by the time I called it quits.)

This picture is pretty dark because I didn't want to use the flash but this is the first kitten(on the floor) with umbilical cord still attached. Daisy was pretty freaked out by the first kitten. She nearly jumped into my lap while it was being born. I was a little worried about how she would do but instincts obviously take over with most animals and she busied herself with licking it clean. I'm really glad I'm a human and we aren't expected to eat placentas because that was just about the most disgusting thing I have ever seen!

This morning, I found proud momma with her five little kittens all snuggled up in the box under the tent. (I also found that one of my darling dogs had knocked over the baby gate, ate all the cat's food and then proceeded to take the world's biggest dump on the playroom floor. Thanks Indi, you're a real charmer! Yeah, that's right, I know it was you!)


  1. A big happy congrats to the proud Momma!!! She looks so happy and content with her adorable little babies!!! I want ALL of them!!!! My heart has melted entirely - how exciting :)

  2. I just had a really nasty picture of you eating a placenta flash through my mind...
    Thanks for that.

    Super cute babies.

    Will the cute baby kitties have playdates with the cute baby chickens?
