Monday, June 14, 2010

Welcome to the farm, Ladies

The kids and I drove up to Onoway this morning to buy some more hens. I have this egg customer who wants crazy amounts of farm fresh eggs and my 3-5 dozen a week was just not cutting it. Its gotten to the point where we don't even eat eggs anymore because I'm selling them all to her. Great for my 'egg money jar' but kind of not the point of having your own chickens when you can't even eat farm fresh eggs yourself!

So I decided to buy 15 White Leghorns. They are prolific egg layers which is exactly what I'm looking for. These are some of the new girls:

Here they are trying to mingle with my 11 original hens. Lets just say that my browns are not being very welcoming.

And Cornelius(the little white rooster in the front right) is definitely not being welcoming. I think he thinks they are roosters too. He has his neck feathers up in typical rooster fight stance. It might take him a couple days to realize that these are girls which means more tail for him! *smile*

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha!!!!
    I like your new chickens though, they are very pretty :)
