Thursday, May 20, 2010

Speaking of Mom

Last week I was fretting over the whole chicks arriving business because I didn't know where I was going to put them. Do you ever buy or order something and then at the last minute go "what was I thinking? Where am I going to put that?" Well, that's what I was fretting over. I didn't regret the decision, rather I had just bitten off more than I could chew! From everything I had read about getting day old chicks, you have to have them somewhere without corners. If there are corners they tend to 'pile-up' in them and this leads to fatalities. So I was going around wondering how to build a round pen as inexpensively as possible and when you are going around in circles(literally) you may miss the obvious like I did. Thankfully I have a mom who is practically a genius when it comes to figuring these types of dilemmas out. More often than not, if I have a problem, my mom has a solution and I'd like to think that I get some of my independence/stubbornness/problem solving/renovating/etc abilities from her(don't forget the swearing-while-I work thing too!) She said, "why don't you put them in a kiddy pool?" (Now this is the part where I smacked myself in the forehead and said, "duh! Why didn't I think of that?") So that's what I'm going to do. I got a larger kiddy pool than the one I bought for the kiddies and the ducks and its all set up and ready to go for the arrival of the chicks tomorrow(which I will more than likely blog about incessantly so please stop me if it gets out of hand!) Anyway, thanks Mom, for all your great ideas! I love you!


  1. Chicks are the cutest. I can't wait to see pics.

  2. Your chick 'condo' looks fabulous and they are going to love it!!! I can't wait to see picture of the little ones and look forward to numerous blogs about them and your other creatures of you little country farm ;)
