Monday, May 10, 2010

An outside day

My seed potatoes made it into the ground today.
So did two different kinds of peas. This is the trellis they will climb up.

Some neighborly cows... they don't have names except Grade AA Alberta Beef.

The pumpjack just above our property line. Its name is Lufkin(yes we name cows and pumpjacks... this is oil country... go Oilers WOOT! *cough* I mean Canucks)

A view I love.

Don't ask me why but the kids fight over this rock every time we go for a walk.

My big boy in his big boy underwear... yes potty training has begun again and hopefully this time we'll get it!
My little beauty(she's trying to run and say, "cheese" at the same time.)

Unfortunately my photography doesn't do Mother Nature any justice... the trees are beautiful right now.

Yes, the chickens are running after her... they think there might be food in it for them!
Hope everyone had a wonderful day!


  1. Awww, I loved this entry!!! Makes me really miss you and want to come visit your beautiful home!!! :)

  2. I hope you do come visit me soon!
