Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Poor babies

My kids are sick. I hate it when the kids are sick. They are so miserable and you feel so bad for them and what the heck are you supposed to do? You can't make them better. All you can do is cuddle and tell them that they'll feel better after a good night sleep(which you are really hoping is true because there is nothing like a bad night sleep to make for a cranky mom!) I finally took both the sickos to the doctor today as my daughter has had this cold for three weeks that strangely got much worse today so now they are both on antibiotics. I sure hope they start to work soon because I'm pretty near drowning in used kleenex over here! So that's all I have to say for today. Hope all of you out there are nice and healthy!


  1. Well, it's bad to say, but sometimes I like it when the kids are sick. It's the fever naps, I love my kids best when they are sleeping... which is also bad to say.

  2. Hope they feel better soon and that everyone gets a good night sleep tonight!!!!
