I know, I haven't blogged for ages! I've gotten a few complaints about it actually (*ah-hem* You know who you are!) but to be honest there really hasn't been that much excitement around the 'farm' to blog about. We haven't really been here that much as a matter of fact.
Last Sunday, the kids and I trekked to Edmonton because my husband K was flying in from his month away in China. Edmonton was a total gong show and I was in a rather heinous mood by the time we got home. Driving home in fog as thick as pudding and almost hitting a deer 100 feet from our range road didn't help the situation!
Monday was too long ago to remember whether I did anything worth noting... Tuesday same deal. Wednesday however we went to Sylvan lake to our rental house because although I didn't blog about it, I had to evict our tenants. They were losers and didn't want to pay us the money they owed so I had to give them notice. They were gone, thankfully but left the place a total mess. I mean seriously, they were there for a month, I don't know how someone who cooks out of boxes from Wal-mart could make an oven so dirty but she did. We did a bit of work around there but nothing major and left with plans to return on Saturday to do the cleaning.
Thursday I believe I scooped some poop from the cow field into my compost... I know, very exciting! Oh and put a coat of paint on F's room!
Friday- put a second coat on F's room...
Saturday we went to Sylvan Lake and spent the
entire day cleaning up after a couple of filthy slobs. There were cigarette butts every where, cigarette ashes in the kitchen cupboards, broken glass in the dishwasher, closet door to replace, gross gross gross! I don't like other people's dirt! Especially washing the floor by hand beside the toilet- that is just nasty!
All four of us ate pizza, while sitting on the nice clean floor, for dinner. The kids watched movies on K's laptop all day. If we hadn't been cleaning up after other people it might have been a great day! We got home late, the cows were starving to death; positively wasting away so I had to feed them before anything else. We went to bed with plans to have a nice relaxing Sunday... HA!
Yesterday I spent the entire day moving furniture from one room to another. F decided she wanted to move back upstairs so we moved her bunk beds on Friday but the rest of it yesterday. Her new room used to be my computer room so we were moving that downstairs to what was her room( are you following?) Well the computer cabinet was too big to fit through the door so we had to move the spare bedroom into what was supposed to be the computer room and move the computer room into what was the spare room(I'm doing this on purpose I hope you know!) And after all that... I don't get very good wireless service way down here at the end of the hall! Bah!
Well now its Monday so you are all caught up on the last week of my life! Hope you enjoyed it and I promise to try to blog about something that is actually worth reading one of these days! Have a lovely day!