Sunday, November 7, 2010

A lazy Sunday

It is a chilly but beautiful sunny day here today. I looked out the window and saw the Puddle Ducks grazing outside the kitchen so I grabbed my camera and my gum boots and headed out to snap a few shots of the animals soaking up the morning rays.

As for me, I'm getting through the laundry, baking for the week ahead and hoping to get a bit more painting done on my stairwell. I think a walk is in order for this afternoon to get ourselves a bit of Vitamin D! Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, nice to see pictures of all the creatures...the only ones missing were your kids ;)
    Love that one of Indie and Pus (Puss?? I never know which one is the cat and which one comes from a wound, lol).
