Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Morning in the country

There is something so satisfying about a crisp spring morning. The ground is still frozen but the sun is warm on your face. The cows munching happily on their morning ration of hay, puffs of breath filling the air as they chew.

The geese are on their way back from their winter in warmer climates
The ducks quack happily as they waddle back and forth from food to water enjoying the sun's warmth on their feathers
Watching the chickens as they scratch in the straw
My Bjorn at my feet
And dogs, always dogs. What can I say?
A lot of people don't like the sound of a rooster crowing, I for one love it especially when it is coming from Cornelius
My boy on the trampoline surrounded by ridiculous amounts of snow
It's not very often that a person can say that they are living the life that they have always wanted. I love my life and wouldn't change anything about it.

I hope the sun is shining where you are and you too can take a minute from your busy life to feel the warmth of it on your cheeks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I don't think you can really call those dogs 'puppies' anymore...they are HUGE!!!

    Looks like a very beautiful place in the morning, but I bet it's pretty fabulous anytime of day ;)
