Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bag o' cans

The kids, dogs and I went out for a walk after dinner. The road is finally dry enough to walk without sinking up to your ankles in muck. We always keep our eyes open for cans when we are out and tonight we hit the jack pot. I didn't think to bring a bag along but after having to make two piles on the side of the road to come back for afterward, I figured I better carry a shopping bag in my pocket from now on.

Whatever we manage to collect, the kids return and put the money into their piggy banks. Here in Alberta, our pop and beer cans are worth 10 cents each and anything 1 litre or over is 25 cents so it really adds up.

This was what we managed to collect tonight.

The kids were pretty excited about finding all of these. This will go towards their spending money for our trip to the island at the end of the month. The only down side to all these cans is that they are mostly beer cans and that means that there are an awful lot of people drinking and driving on our road.

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