Thursday, November 3, 2011

Plumber Bummer

Back in August I hired a local Plumber who was recommended to me by a couple of employees at Home Hardware.  I needed him to come in and install the valve and water lines for a new bath tub faucet.  Pretty simple stuff.  So he got it done, charged me an arm and a leg and told me to call him when everything was done so he could install the 'trim.'

Here we are a while later and I got everything installed and went to put the tap on.  Hmm, something not quite right here. 
This is how the handle should look.  Flush with the rest of it.
The Plumber who I paid nearly $200 to install the valve, installed it wrong and now that the wall is finished, the only way to fix it would be to rip the wall out!  How likely am I to want to do that?  Not very.

So, to the Plumber(whose name I won't mention) who preached to me about doing "everything by the book" and not ripping people off, thanks a lot a**hole for not only ripping me off, but also screwing up the simplest of jobs!  Would you like me to tell you where to stick your blow torch?

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