Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dog House? Rabbit House? Which ever I guess...

I had to go up to the shed this afternoon to find my shovel- not my snow shovel, but my spade. I had some digging to do and a snow shovel just wasn't going to cut it. You see, when it's +7 here in January the snow starts to melt and it was running all over my sidewalks because my downspouts were in the 'up' position for the winter. I was going to have to dig out the snowbanks so I could lower my downspouts. Anyway, while I was up at the shed I noticed a scattering of rabbit poop by the shed door. Hmmm, odd, Basil the rabbit doesn't usually stray further than the hay bale for a snack. Then I noticed there was another scattering of poop by the door to the dog house. So I went to check it out. Luckily Basil was nowhere to be found otherwise me peering inside the dog house and startling her might have made for some terrific scratches on my face. There was rabbit poop all over the dogs' beds. So I guess when the dog house isn't being used by the dogs, someone else will move in and set up shop. I just hope there doesn't come a day when they both decide to use it at the same time. Basil has a bullseye on her when it comes to Zama and I know that if said dog ever got a hold of said rabbit, I would probably be making bunny fur slippers. ;)

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