Last Sunday, on the eve of the pups three week birthday Zama started acting weird. She seemed really exhausted and she started to stagger about. I was a bit worried but thought that she was just tired and needed to rest. I mean, nine puppies is a lot to take care of. Well, at about 9:30pm she started falling over and her front legs began twitching, her pupils were dilated filling almost her entire iris. She fell half way down the stairs and at that point I was in panic mode. Do I call the vet? Its 9:30 at night on a weekend! So I called my mom and told her what was going on. She said she would look it up in her holistic dog book and get back to me. She calls back and says, "I think she has Eclampsia." I asked what I was supposed to do and she told me what the book recommended for the treatment of Eclampsia in dogs- Calcium, lots and lots of calcium. I quickly whipped up a pound of ground beef, some yogurt, a bowl of homo milk and juiced some broccoli and fed it to her.
Afterwards I did my research on the internet and everything I read said this was an emergency, your dog needs to go to the vet NOW otherwise death was imminent. The food that I gave her seemed to help and the twitching in her limbs slowly started to subside. I think I caught it early enough because she was doing much better by the next morning. I went to town and loaded up on cottage cheese, hamburger, brown rice and bone meal(this contains the calcium, magnesium and phosphorus that she was needing) and I am happy to report that five days later she is doing great and even putting on a bit of weight.
As a matter of fact, she is doing so well that this is what she did to my kitchen yesterday.
OMG!!! It's one thing to hear about it on the phone but to actually see the damage...YIKES!!! I'm surprised that she's still alive!!!