I finally started building my chicken tractor and then had the problem of no nails which I wrote about previously. After getting said nails from the hardware store, I was able to get down to business yesterday. I had to buy myself a staple gun as well as that is a tool we had yet to add to our collection.
I got this baby all loaded up with staples and went to sink my first one and... nothing happened. I tried again and again and again and still nothing. I tried stapling a variety of different materials and still nothing. I took out staples, I added staples, I did everything short of chucking the thing across the yard followed by a string of profanities. Nothing. So I called up a friend and asked if I could borrow theirs.
Today, the kids and I headed over to pick up the stapler intending to only have a quick visit as I wanted to get home and get my chicks into their tractor. Yeah well a quick visit turned into almost five hours. No construction for me today. We got home just in time for the rain to start. I had to race out and pull my two loads of laundry off the line. Meanwhile my daughter comes screaming out of the house sobbing, "you left the door open! The chickens are in the house!" Great! And for the record it was not me who left the door open! I got in the house to find Cornelius the rooster on my kitchen table and a brown hen by the sliding glass door(both of which left me lovely little gifts to clean up.) Chickens back outside, daughter's tears dried, disaster averted.
Back to the stapler. So I decided to just take one last look at the staple gun to make sure there wasn't some secret I was missing and then I thought, well I may as well look at the instructions one last time to make sure I'm not missing something. I have seen many a staple gun in my lifetime. I've used them at my parents' house but never have I seen a staple gun that you load the staples in upside down into the bottom. So it wasn't broken after all. I just needed to read the instructions. Stupid new staple gun. What was wrong with the old way of loading them in the end and sliding it closed? No, Stanley wanted me to make a fool of myself and write all about my faults on my blog! When all else fails, read the directions! I could have been blogging about my finished chicken tractor today instead of 'broken' staple guns!
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